Evolution of Technology changes the Human Behavior in terms of Communication (Based from the topic Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle)


     Conversation and Communication are two different words that seem to have the same meaning but served two different levels of impact to human lives, both are powerful tools that got us convey our message across yet people tend to be mistaken about the real sense of conversation against communication.

Effective Communication: How to Synchronize Intent - CollegeAD                          What is Business Communication? Why Do You Need It?

     Internet accesses and our gadgets made communication speedy and in just a click of our finger our message is brought to the person and place where we desire for it to reach, without practicing the virtue of patience as we wait to send it through letter and without enjoying the thrill of long-wait as we wait for someone's response.
     We closed business transactions through phone calls yet because conversation lacks, defense from sinister traps and fraud is sometimes not avoided. We inform and got informed on things through social media. We got to find our neighbors, elementary and highschool classmates thru internet and when someone is alone he even find company of friends through facebook and so had deprived himself of self-reflection that supposed to give him time and chance to realized how far have he gone in life. When someone woke up and conversed with GOD through prayers he could make the best conversation he could gave in his life, yet at some points when gadget was on his side he would rather browse on it for quick information and plans for the day, ignoring the divine guidance at its best.

What is Communication? (+7 Ways to Be a Strong Communicator)
    Students' life are made easy for they can find and search on their assignments and on other things they ought to learn through internet yet many of them went-astray, through internet accesses they were able to communicate with other and plan for an out and some were addicted to online games with online friends, thereby neglecting and forgot that they are there to build their future. In terms of relationship with their parents, since the technology nowadays is at its maximum state and still upgrading, they tend to talk to A.I or other things that are provided from technology instead of having a conversation with their parents about life and other stuffs.
The Rise of the Conversational User Interface - ITChroniclesHow to start a family conversation - Flow Magazine

    Conversation is best for it is a face to face type of connection and so feelings follow, the reason why family should converse every now and then to make members in-touch rather that being "alone together". Many families were broken through internet accesses and gadgets yet equally, many families were made together again, bruises were healed as conversation took its place.

    Now therefore, conversation and communication are two different best tools that should be taken and utilized  according to its uses and purposes.

      Dasqu's (2016). How Technology has Changed the Way We Communicate.

      Rachel, L. (2016). How Technology has Changed Our Lives.
       Mogale, H. (2017). How has Technology Changed Our Lives.

       Atkinson, T. (2017). Technology- Changing Communication Around the World.




  1. We should utilized the technologies that in our hands in a mindful way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Technology and social media indeed gives many benefits but we should know our limitations and the cons of it.

  4. That is why people become emotionally unintelligent because they tend to question themselves through virtual assistants rather than self-reflection and engaging conversation with someone who can understand them.

  5. I agree that that they are powerful tools according to its purposes and uses.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We should utilize what are the usage of each means of communication in a right way. We should keep in mind that we should not rely on technologies since it can't help us always.

  8. We should utilize what are the usage of each means of communication in a right way. We should not keep in mind that we should not rely on technologies since it can't help us always.

  9. Yes, I strongly agree that if use both of these tools according to its purpose, it will help us become good communicators.

  10. It is true that the modern technology really helps us to communicate but it has also its downside, that is why, it is important for us to know the value of conversing face to face.

  11. It is really true that in our world today, modern technology is eating us. It is getting our attention instead of talking to our family. I realized that it is better to talk in person face to face rather than scrolling in social medias for hours without learning anything.

  12. Yes, technology helped people in a lot of ways but we must not depend everything on it as it might ruin our relationship with our family and friends. We should know when we should and should not incorporate it in our lives.

  13. I do agree with the author, Technologies are very rampant nowadays, It is on us how we shall handle it.

  14. It is important for people to use technology properly to prevent the accompanied risks of technology.

  15. That's true! As technology advances, the world both getting larger and smaller. It is like we have all the connections across the globe but what's alarming how it lessens the quality of connection. The more people use digital communication, the more interpersonal communication skills decline.

  16. It is really important to have conversation with your family members, we should update our family member about the happenings in our life just like how we update it in our social media.

  17. We should always mindful of how to use our technology.

  18. It is not bad to use technology, but then we should keep in mind the limitations. Also we should not forget to have a conversation to God and to our family.

  19. Having conversations and time with our family can heals everything.

  20. I do agree that students' life are made easy for they can find and search answers for their assignments, but it also causes some students to be lazy and just greatly rely on the internet.

  21. It was true that the students or teens nowadays are barely talk to their parents because of the technology. Know the importance of conversation face-to-face.

  22. I strongly agree with you that technology can make the life of students easier but we should be responsible in doing so.

  23. Mobile Devices can make us disconnected to reality but I believe it has advantages too. It is just. matter of discipline

  24. Mobile Devices can make us disconnected to reality but I believe it has advantages too. It is just a matter of discipline.

  25. Yes, technology made our lives more comfortable than ever, but we must be reminded that communicating with others thru face-to-face is still the best.

  26. Technology gives us a simpler life, but should not depend on everything on it. But we should still practice face-to-face conversation.

  27. There is nothing wrong with the advancement of technology, you just need to acquire it to all for the right purposes and not abuse it as it will give negative effects to human relationship and attachments to people surrounding us.


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